2.15.11 The “View Settings” menu / “Display” button/
The “Advanced” tab of the “Display” settings window
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Create a beam of 300 mm.
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The centerline of a part
Go to the "View Properties" menu / "Display" button
/ "Advanced" tab and enable the “Part center line”
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Note that the beam is drawn up by the line passing through the object’s
Part reference line
- is the exact line through which the object was drawn up. The profile
type itself is of no importance, just the points defining the reference
Switch off the part centerline checkmark, and enable the part reference
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The reference line is marked with yellow. Thus it is possible to indicate
Remove the respective checkmark.
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The "Part label"
checkbox allows creating the part’s body directly in 3D labels,
such as profile, material, etc.
Enable the part label checkbox, make sure that the label box is empty,
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Select from the labels’ list the option: “Profile”,
press at the “Add” button, and subsequently at the “Modify”
Do not forget to select the required view before the above, otherwise,
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Now each detail is labeled with its profile type. Due to the fact, there
are plenty of objects in a model, using this label is an exceptional case.
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Now add to the selected labels list the “Material” option
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Now the beam is marked with two spaced labels.
The algorithm for adding the other label variables is similar to the one
described above. There is only one special label as “User-defined
attribute”, which marks up at the beam body the attributes defined
by the user. For example, the connection type to be applied to the
beam starting point, and its endpoint. Thus labeling beams by their type
allows using various connection components to various beams.
Click on the “User-defined attributes” line and press the
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The TS automatically opens the “Part label” dialog window
where the new attribute title is to be written in. We will not exercise
creating a new attribute, as this is the topic of the on-coming chapters.
Now let’s fix it up, that there is a possibility to reflect
necessary information at the part body directly in the 3D model.
Remove the checkmark at the “Part label“ line.
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The "Connections text" checkmark keeps
Let’s create a connection between a beam and a column, thus go to
the "Applications and components" catalog and find component
No 119.
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All the labels in 3D have disappeared. Now enable the "Connection
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In the above picture, you can see that the connection has got its title
string right above. Due to the fact, there are plenty of objects in a model,
it is an exceptional case using this label.
Switch off the checkmark.
The "Point size" checkmark
Create a beam of 300 mm length of an arbitrary profile. By using the construction
geometry tool, randomly create several points. Refer to the picture below:
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In the “Display” window, write in the scale value of 1000,
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The dimensions of the points changed. When approaching the cursor
Now try out switching the checkmark position to the “In model”
and modify the scale value to 200. Do not forget to press the “Modify”
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Restore the settings to the initial ones.
2.16 The “Weld” tool in TS
Welding is one of the most important modeling tools, aimed to connect
various parts into an assembly. Also, the weld tool can be applied for
preparing a part for welding. All the weld tools are located at the “Weld”
menu tab. Let’s examine all the tools options available.
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2.16.1 The “Create weld between parts” tool in TS
The "Create weld between parts" tool
is the most frequently applied weld seam type, which does not require
specifying the exact weld line location.
When welding parts together the TS automatically creates a new assembly
unit and an assembly drawing. Thus, consider the weld as the tool which
joins parts (objects) into an assembly.
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Before exploring the features of the tool, create a steel plate with dimensions
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Copy the plate vertically similarly to the below:
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Click on the top plate, and by holding on the “Alt” key pressed,
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Move the points selected at 50 mm inwards to the plate.
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Proceed likewise for the other faces of the upper plate.
The result should be as presented in the below picture :
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Now, let’s make sure that the view settings are configured for displaying
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Close the “View settings” window and proceed to welding.
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Note that it was of no convention to indicate the weld seam location.
The software creates weld according to the weld properties configurations.
Open the weld properties window by executing a double-click on the
" Weld" tool icon. At the moment, the weld seam is passing around
the edge of the part.
Type 1
The symbol, indicating the weld seam location along a part edge (not around).
It is one of the most frequently used weld seam types.
Type 2
The symbol, indicating the weld seam location around a part edges. It
is applied when connecting round and square pipes, or any complex profile
Change the weld seam type to the first one
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Depending on the default settings of the " Weld" tool, there
are 1 or 2 seam lines displayed in the model. The weld seam is only one
but might be specified to be applied from both sides of the part edge:
above and below lines. Currently, the below weld line is switched off.
In the below picture you can see color framed both weld lines set up fields.
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Let’s map the below line seam by indicating an arbitrary weld type
and its size value different from zero, for example, 12 mm, to get a clear
understanding of the fact that the weld seams can be of various dimensions.
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Hiding any welding line is done by indicating the “None” value
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Also, the weld seam is not created in case its size value equals zero.
Let’s map out both weld lines of 10mm size.
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The “Position” field stands for lining up a weld in the model
As it is of no convention writing in the weld coordinates, thus the very
As you can see from the current example, the weld can subsist only along
Try out toggling between the “Position” field values.
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Note there is no option to line up the weld seam bilaterally to the welded
Thus the solution is to create one more welded seam and configure it in
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Go to the “Weld properties” menu and setup the welding
seam to the Type 1
, not Type 2
. Select the appropriate weld seam position to get as presented
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Create the below line seam with the size value of 10 mm.
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It is also possible to model various weld seam shapes, such as intermittent
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The intermittence of the seam lines is to be set up separately, same as
Set up the seams intermittence configurations as is shown below.
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Deleting the top plate automatically deletes the welds.
None of the welds can exist without the welded parts to which it refers.
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Now we are assured that the welded seams have been deleted along with
Let’s examine creating a butt type of weld. Copy the plate horizontally
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Enable the “Create weld between parts” tool and weld up the
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Switch the weld type from “Around”
to the “Edge” type
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Now the weld seam has the triangle shape, though it is not viable in real
practice. Switch the weld type to the
option. The current weld type requires setting up the bevel
angle value. Let’s set its value at 45 degrees.
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As you can see in the above picture, the weld seam has changed its type
to the butt. Now before getting welded, parts shall get a prepared chamfer
Also, it is important to leave an opening between the parts, thus
Let’s proceed by indicating the root opening value of 2mm.
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Also, make sure you indicate the root opening value for both: above and
Let’s create the root face as well, where the plate thicknesses
are 20mm, with 18 mm included as beveling thus the value to be written
is 2 mm.
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The "Preparation" field
takes off the part’s body the welded seam volume by applying
the added material substance. If the field value equals “None”
then welding is reflected within the part body but does not subtract its
volume or affect its geometry.
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If the field value equals “Auto” then the geometry of the
joinable parts will be subtracted by the welding seam bodies. The
welding seams representation mode will also get modified, as the welds
get their own space and transform into the only chamfer present at the
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Thus it is possible to configure any edge of a part.
Let’s explore the case study where parts are joined to the profile
Part Prefix
Assembly prefix
Leave blank
Configure the properties of the beam according to the above table.
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Create a plate at the side of the beam as it is shown below, indicating
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Click at the plate, and by holding on the “Alt” key pressed,
select the points adjacent to the beam wall. Press the “Shift”
key, and by a double click at a point, go to the “Chamfer properties”
Set up the angle value of 45 degrees, and the axial dimensions as 20 x
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Move the plate to the beam center point by deploying the Ctrl+M hot key
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Now let’s evaluate the notion of “assembly”, which is
defined as a group of parts joined into an integral unit (assembly). In
this case, welding is done by the manufacturer at the plant.
When creating welds it is of high importance to firstly select the beam,
thus the assembly title will coincide with its name, but the beam will
become the main component of the assembly.
Further on, when welding up parts in the TS first object to be selected
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The location of the welded seams is of no particular importance, as the
To select an assembly it is sufficient to make a click at any of its objects
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Let’s adjust the welding seam: switch it’s type from the “Around”
to the “Edge”
and set up the weld size at 6 mm bilaterally, Fillet type
Toggle between the position options until the weld seam gets
aligned as shown in the picture below, thus connecting the bottom plate
line to the beam .
The position field coordinates may vary depending on the beam drawing
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The single weld is not enough for joining the plate to the beam, though
Create one more weld seam to be aligned along the beam wall similar to
the below picture. The new weld seam’s configurations are the same
as the previous ones, except for the position parameter value.
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By analogy create the 3rd weld seam and configure it to the position type
Make sure you indicate the beam as the main part of the assembly.
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Thus the plate is completely welded to the beam.
One of the most important welded seam properties is that it can not exist
Deleting the plate automatically deletes the welds, which are not just
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The beam got cleared up off the welds. Restore the welded plate by enabling
Try out executing "Copy Special-Mirror" of the plate to the
other side of the beam. For this, press the Ctrl+P hotkey combination
to go to the view plane.
Make sure that the Z-axis is perpendicular to the eye gaze direction,
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Select the plate, and in the right-click menu, proceed to the “Copy
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Another important property of the welds is that they are copied along
with the welded parts to which they refer, even though welds have not been
selected. Also, note that this condition plays out only in case there is
available appropriate geometry. For example, copying the plate to
a blank space will not duplicate the weld seams, as there is no connectable
object to the plate.
In the below picture you can see that the duplicated plate got adjusted
Check this out by holding on to the Alt key pressed and clicking at the
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As you can see all the objects were selected, even though initially we
Let’s explore the "Workshop
/ Site" attribute
This parameter stands for defining whether the parts will get included
in the assembly (into a common drawing). Indicating the “Workshop”
weld type contributes to welding the parts at the plant, thus they are
to be included in a common assembly drawing. Select all the weld seams
of the plate and switch the weld type to the “Site” class
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Repeatedly select the assembly by applying the "Alt" key.
To assure better visibility go to the Ctrl+5 display mode.
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From now on, the parts are available on the weld seams but still are not
There is a separate tool for selecting an assembly as an object type,
not a kit of objects. This tool allows editing assembly properties
as well as selecting it without holding on any key pressed.
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Note that the selected objects have a different visual display: the assembly
object is framed with block faces, outlining its dimensions, and the main
assembly part gets rendered in orange color when selecting the assembly
by the right-click menu “Inquire” tab.
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The “Inquire object” tab runs the assembly text report. We
will examine in detail the issue of creating and editing such reports in
the following chapters. Double-click at the main assembly object (orange
colored) runs the assembly properties menu which is completely different
from the assembly report.
At the moment, let’s make it a rule, not to bring any changes to
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It is forbidden to edit the “Assembly numbering” and the “Name”
fields values, which are included in the square parentheses, thus denoting
the default status of the lines.
The assembly properties menu can be opened by using standard selecting
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Select any part, and in the right-click menu go to the “Inquire”
tab and select the “Assembly” option. The assembly automatically
gets highlighted, and the “Inquire object” report pop-ups on
the view.
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In the “Inquire object” report there is available all essential
At the moment, let’s, first of all, get the assembly name -Peter-0(?),
where the question mark stands for notifying that the assembly number had
not been assigned yet, as numbering was not carried out yet. The numbering
topic will be examined in the creating drawings case study.
Let’s examine one more welding component type, such as the endplate.
Create an endplate with its points located at the I-beam edges. Set
up its width parameter at 18 mm.
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Weld up the endplate to the I-beam. It is important to indicate the beam
as the first assembly component with the purpose that the assembly gains
the prefix numbering of the main component.
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Set up the “Edge” weld type.
Write in the weld Fillet bilateral sizes of 14 mm
Make sure the weld seam type is “Workshop”.
Concerning the below picture, adjust the weld seam position parameter.
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Locate the weld seam above the I-beam.
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It is obvious that the weld seam can not be created as it is shown in
the above picture. Welding up the parts with no edge preparation
fails at realizing a full penetration weld, which comes evident after executing
the parts surface treatment.
Thus when welding up the endplate definite measures are to be taken to
assure full penetration. There are the following alternate solutions to
this matter:
Increasing edge plate’s dimensions
Reducing edge plate’s dimensions
Executing the edge preparation at plate
Executing the edge preparation at beam
Let’s copy the beam with the edge plate 3 more times and implement
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Type 1- Increasing the dimensions of the edge plate.
Let’s try out the first solution which implies increasing the plate’s
Minimize the current view.
Select the beam.
Go to the right-click menu.
Select "Create View"/ "Default views of Part" tab.
Go to the "Part Side" view.
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Select the plate.
By holding on to the "Alt" key pressed, select the top points
of the plate.
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Move the selected points vertically at 20 mm.
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Similarly to the above proceed for the bottom points of the plate, by
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Make sure that welds are set out visible at the "Exact" representation
mode at the “Display” menu of the "View settings".
At the "Welds settings" menu configure the welding seam to be
bilateral, and of the size equal to 14 mm. It is important to mention that
the welding seam size is determined by calculation.
The size value of 14 mm is an arbitrary rate, thus do not percept the
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Create additional weld seams by toggling between the “Position”
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Close the current view and other default views of the part, except for
Type 2- Reducing the dimensions of the endplate
Minimize the current view.
Select the beam.
Go to the right-click menu.
Select the "Create View"/ "Default views of Part"
Maximize the "Part Side" view.
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Adjust the dimensions of the plate according to the below picture.
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Pay attention that the flange thickness of the beam is 20 mm, but the
Thus the offset value shall not exceed the beam flange thickness.
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Create weld seams according to the below picture.
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Close the current view and other default views of the part, except for
Type 3- Executing the edge preparation of the plate
Let’s create the part’s default views and get to the part’s
"Side view". Adjust the weld seam in the way to get grooved into
the part.
Switch the weld type to the "Bevel groove bevel butt" option.
Specifically for this welding type, it is compulsory to
indicate the welding chord and the angle parameter values, otherwise the
weld seam is not created. Set out the “Preparation” field as
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Refer to the below to align the weld seam correctly.
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Create all the weld seams required. Note that the seams along the I-beam
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Close the current view and other default views of the part, except for
the "Top view" window.
Type 4 тип - Executing the edge preparation of the beam
Minimize the current view.
Select the beam.
Go to the right-click menu.
Select the "Create View"/"Default views of Part" tab.
Maximize the "Part Side View".
Make sure that at the “View Properties” menu the weld seam
representation mode is set out at the “Exact”.
Set out the edge preparation parameters similar to the previous case study,
except for indicating the “Placement” field value as “Main
part”. In the current case study, the beam is the main assembly component,
thus the edge preparation is to be applied to it, according to the “Placement”
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Compare your results to the below:
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Add up the rest seams.
Keep in mind that the seams along the I-beam wall shall not have
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Thus we have examined several edge preparation solutions and realized