2.18.2 The “Add to/Remove from cast unit” tool in Tekla Structures
Let’s create a foundation by using the "Concrete column"
Enable the tool and create an arbitrary column.
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Set up the column properties according to those presented in the below
Top position
Bottom position
Create one more arbitrary column at the same point as the previous one.
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Configure the column according to the below:
Top position
Bottom position
Let’s create a third column as well.
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Configure the column according to the presented below:
Top position
Bottom position
Let’s check out the resulting object in 3D.
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It is important to have a clear understanding that separate foundations
can be of various shapes, dimensions, and materials, depending on the multiple
site factors such as loads, soil types, etc. The present example is not
the only possible separate foundation configuration.
To assure a separate foundation correct shape, before mantling the surface
preparation is performed. Thus concrete is poured not directly into the
sand but onto a concrete setting bed. Let’s create a setting bed
by using the concrete column tool. Preset the tool, according to the below:
Top position
Bottom position
Compare your results to the below:
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Let’s analyze the assembly sequence: pouring up the setting bed
at the levels from -2300 to -2200 and forming a hard surface for the foundation,
where the setting bed material differs from the foundation material, pouring
up at a time the foundation body from -2200 to -250 mm, this being represented
in the current model by 2 elements marked in green, which shall be united
into a cast unit.
The algorithm for adding elements to a cast unit is as follows:
Select the first object to be added to the cast unit.
Go to the right-click menu.
Enable the following tabs: "Cast unit"/ "Add to".
Select the second object to be added to the cast unit.
Press the Esc key to cancel the “Create cast unit” tool.
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Note that visually nothing has changed, although now elements are united
To make sure the elements are united, left-click at any of them by holding
on the "Alt" button pressed, thus the whole cast unit element
is selected.
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Also, the "Create cast unit" tool is available at the main menu
bar, however depending on the localization package settings it can be hidden,
but available for display.
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See below the algorithm for editing the ribbon.
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The “Create a cast unit” tool.
To understand the main functionality principles of the “Add to/Remove
from cast unit “ tools, let’s, first of all, add one more element
to the cast unit which we have already created. Enable the appropriate
Select the elements to get united.
Press the mouse wheel button or the "Space" key upon finalizing
selecting the elements.
To cancel the “Create cast unit” tool, press the Esc button.
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The main component of a cast unit is highlighted with pink color. Exactly
the components prefix defines the respective of the cast unit. The other
element’s prefixes are ignored analogously to the previous assemblies
Switch on the “Select assemblies” tool and try out selecting
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Enable the “Select objects in assemblies” tool and try out
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Although the same objects are selected, the above are not equivalent methods
of selecting cast units. Let’s conventionally agree upon using the
Alt-key method as a preferable one.
To inquire about the cast unit main component it is sufficient to
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The “Remove from cast unit” tool.
A cast unit may include many components, thus a user may be required to
delete any of the objects. Thus the “Remove from cast unit”
tool becomes necessary.
Let's try out deleting a component according to the below algorithm
Enable the “Remove from cast unit” tool.
Indicate the element to be deleted.
Press the Esc button to disable the “Remove from cast unit”
Now, when selecting the cast unit simultaneously holding the "Alt"
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The “Add to cast unit” tool.
This tool works opposite to the previous one, as it allows adding an element
to an already existing cast unit. Also, this tool switches the main component
of the unit by substituting the selecting sequence.
Let’s add up an element to the cast unit.
Note that TS does not require reappointing all the cast unit parts, but
Enable the respective tool.
Select the element to be added to the cast unit.
Indicate the cast unit to which we are adding the element.
Press the Esc button to disable the “Add to cast unit” tool.
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Repeat the above:
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Now all the parts are included in the cast unit. Check on this by clicking
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The “Explode” tool.
This tool ungroups the objects belonging to a cast unit.
The algorithm for using this tool is as follows:
Enable the “Explode” tool.
Click at any part of the cast unit to be ungrouped.
Press the Esc key to disable the “Explode” tool.
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Now each element is selected separately, even if you hold on the "Alt"
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Now we have examined all the “Cast unit” menu tools.
Let's unite all green parts into an assembly, as in practice, it is
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Go to the view plane by enabling the Ctrl+P hotkey combination. Select
the separate foundation object created, and allocate it under a column
center of the test steel structure created.
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Check the correctness of the executed operation. Copy the separate foundation
Select the separate foundation unit ( all elements).
Go to the right-click menu.
Enable the "Copy Special"/"To another object" tab.
Indicate the initial object by a left-click on it.
Indicate the object to which to copy the separate foundation unit.
Subsequently, indicate all the columns of the model.
Press the Esc button to disable the “Copy Special” tool.
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Compare our results to those presented below:
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2.18.2 The “Concrete footing” tool in TS
The “Concrete footing” tool is practically identical to the
“Concrete column”, except for the fact there are no "Deforming"
parameters applicable to it.
It is only possible to set out various profile types with no shape
modifications to be configured. As there are no other differences between
footings and column tool parameters list, we will not focus on considering
them repeatedly.