Any segment built up in 3-dimensional space is enclosed between two points.
The “Create column” tool allows drawing up a segment by indicating
just one point. The information about the segment's top and bottom
points is specified in the “Column properties” menu defining
their exact coordinates in the model.
First of all, let’s find all the “Steel” and “Concrete”
modeling tools on the TS main toolbar.
Tekla Structures v21.1
The steel modeling tools are framed in red, but the concrete modeling
tools are framed in blue.
Tekla Structures v2021
The new TS interface has separate “Steel” and “Concrete”
menus. Toggling between the tabpages discloses respective modeling tools.
Let’s draw up a steel column located at an arbitrary intersection
Make sure all operations are canceled or press the ESC key.
Make a left click at the “Steel Column” tool.
Allocate the steel column at the work plane at an arbitrary intersection
point of the grid lines.
Press the ESC key to disable the "Steel Column" tool.
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Make a double ( single - for new TS versions) click at the column object.
Make a double ( single - for new TS versions) click on the column tool’s
Note: all the new columns created are defined by the values of the parameters