In common practice, real grids have a complex shape and consist
of several grids which are diversely located or rotated in relation to
each other.
Complex grid
Model with the complex grid
Building up a complex grid requires creating several simple grids and
allocating them with respect to each other at some specific coordinates.
A simple moving of a grid does not require knowing the precise destination
coordinates, and it is possible to visually arrange its location at the
work plane. Thus creating simple grids and allocating them at the specific
coordinates builds up complex grid structures.
The algorithm for moving a grid is as follows:
Make sure all operations are canceled or press the ESC key.
Select the required grid.
Enable the Ctrl+M hotkey combination.
Indicate the 1st point defining from where the grid shall be moved.
Indicate the 2nd point defining where the grid shall be moved.
In case of the alert message “Objects outside the work area and
view depth” pop up, confirm the action by clicking at the “Expand”
Press the Esc key to cancel the moving operation.
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
When moving a grid, make sure that snapping tools are activated
Try out displacing the grid and restore its initial position by enabling