2.9.1 The “Copy” tool by using the Ctrl+C hotkey combination in Tekla Structures
It is the most frequently used tool in TS based on indicating two points:
It is located at the Main menu "Edit" tab, but it is more
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Let’s examine this tool in detail. Create a plate with dimensions
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Copy the plate at 1000 mm upwards by allocating the new plate right above
The algorithm for using the “Copy” Ctrl+C tool:
Make sure all operations are canceled or press the Esc key.
Press the Ctrl+P hotkey combination to go to the view plane.
Select the object to get copied.
Enable the “Copy” tool by pressing the Ctrl+C hotkey combination.
Select the first point of the object from where the object will be copied.
Select the second point of the object to where the object will be copied.
To disable the “Copy” tool, press the Esc key.
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Note that it is of not high importance to select points at the object
body, as the tool requires indicating two points specifying the distance
between the objects and the direction for allocating the new object. Try
out the above by copying the object at 2000 mm and selecting the points
at the axis, not at the object’s body.
The algorithm for using the “Copy” tool by typing in the distance
Make sure all operations are canceled or press the Esc key.
Press the Ctrl+P hotkey combination to go to the view plane.
Select the object to get copied.
Enable the “Copy” tool by pressing the Ctrl+C hotkey combination.
Select the first point of the object from where the object will be copied.
By the mouse cursor set the copying direction and type in the distance
value from the keyboard.
Press the “OK” button.
To disable the “Copy” tool, press the Esc key.
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The plate was copied similarly to the first case study example.
Same as moving an object, it is possible to select the points, indicating
copying direction and distance value at any place of the plane, not limiting
to the object body or any axis. Let’s try it out, but formerly make
sure that the "Snap to any position" tool is switched on: (v
/ (v 2021)
. Proceed on copying and refer to the below picture :