Method one (1): defining the points of a contour plate by using PC mouse
The algorithm for creating a contour plate is as follows:
Make sure all operations are canceled or press the “ESC” key.
Enable the “Create contour plate” tool.
Consecutively allocate several points at the view plane.
To finalize points allocation, press the “ Space” key or the
mouse wheel button.
To cancel the “Create contour plate” tool, press the “Esc”
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
If it is required to create a plate of definite dimensions and of a definite
shape, then it is necessary to identify the directions of its polygon sides
and introduce the length values of the sides. Create a square shape plate
with a side length of 1000 mm.
Method two (2): creating a contour plate by introducing the values of
Make sure all operations are canceled or press the “ESC” key.
Enable the “Create contour plate” tool.
Allocate the first point of a plate’s side.
Set the plate’s polygon side direction by moving the mouse cursor
(work using the orthogonal regime switched on).
Specify the value of the side length equal to 1000mm.
Repeat steps 3-5 for allocating points 2 and 3.
It is not necessarily closing the plate contour. Pressing the “Space”
key or mouse wheel button automatically closes the plate contour.
To cancel the “Create contour plate” tool, press the “Esc”
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Entering coordinates using the “Ctrl”
allows excluding several points from the trajectory defining the plate’s
shape. Refer to the below pictures:
Points marked in red do not make part of the contour plate’s shape
and were created by utilizing the “Ctrl” key. Thus it is possible
to create contour plates of various shapes without any recourse to a complimentary
drawing up.
The 1st method: setting coordinates of the contour plates of a complex
Note, if you set the coordinates of the contour plate by using the mouse
cursor, then hold on the “Ctrl” key pressed prior to creating
an intermediary point with a left-click at the view plane. Further, release
the “Ctrl” key and continue allocating the points of the contour
plate. It is important to mention that TS offers the values of step dependent
on the scale grade. Maximizing the object makes the value of the step smaller,
and vice versa.
The 2nd method: setting values of the contour plate’s sides by means
If you enter contour plate coordinates from the keyboard, then firstly
type in the value of the side length and subsequently press the "Ctrl"
key prior to confirming the operation by the "Enter" key.