A point
is the geometric primitive. To add a point go to the main menu tab,
enable the “Add points” tool and allocate a point at the working
plane. Working in the view plane allows you to indicate coordinates of
a point by axes X and Y, where the Z-coordinate of a point coincides with
the Z-coordinate of the view plane. Create several points at the view.
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Each point is defined by several properties. To access the respective
information, double-click on a point thus opening the “Point
information” menu.
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Properties of a point are defined by following parameters: coordinates
in the axis system and in relation to the working plane, unique ID number
and phase (the “Phase” parameter will be examined later).
Thus, any user at any time can find out at any point’s coordinates.
The new TS interfaces are also available for specifying a point’s
color. Exercise changing the points’ color on your own.