2.6.6 Moving a group of points in Tekla Structures
Let’s move the points selected to 500mm downwards by using the “Ctrl+M”
(Move) hotkey combination.
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Tekla Structures v2021
Compare your results to those presented below:
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Now let’s move the points selected at 1000 mm upwards.
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Now, realign the points to the right at 500mm.
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To remove the selection, click at any blank point of the view.
Now, select the top points of the plates as presented below. First of
all select the objects where the points are located, thus we will highlight
only the points of the bottom squares, without picking superposed ones.
Make sure all operations are canceled or press the ESC key.
Select the objects containing the required points.
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Press and hold on the “Alt” key.
Select by left-to-right framing scheme points at the objects selected
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Move the points at 500mm downwards.
As a result, only the bottom plate squares got displaced.
If you fail on getting the same result as it is shown in the picture
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Now, select the objects as it is shown below.
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Select the points at the objects as it is shown below, by using the left-to-right
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Move the points at 500mm to the right.
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Selecting a large number of points is a very needful and frequently used
Try exercising by yourself selecting various groups of points and displacing
them. Note that copying or deleting points by using this method is not
Upon exercise completion, delete all contour plates and create new ones.
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Simultaneously setting up the properties for several chamfers.
Select all the points of the plates in the following sequence: select
the objects, press and hold on the “Alt” key and select the
points. Pay attention to the selection scheme direction.
Simultaneously setting up the properties for several chamfers is done
in the "Chamfer Properties" menu by editing values of parameters
in the respective fields. However, if you try opening the "Chamfer
Properties" menu by double-clicking at a point, other points'
highlights will get removed. Exercise the above and see yourself.
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Tekla Structures v2021
So as to not remove the highlights of the points, press and hold on the
“Shift” key prior to accessing the "Chamfer Properties"
Change the Chamfer Type value to the “Line” (hollow chamfer),
and the “X” and “Y” values to 250 mm. Compare your
results to the below:
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Tekla Structures v2021
Let’s examine the chamfer type value “Arc with point”
which rounds off chamfers, this being the very right method for drawing
up a contour steel plate of a circle shape.
Let’s exercise by applying this chamfer type. Note that the
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Tekla Structures v2021
Navigate the Chamfer Type field menu and try out all the options available.
Creating a reinforcing plate
Go to the plane view and create a contour plate as it is shown below.
Make sure that “Snap to geometry lines/ points” tool is switched
on (v2021
, allowing snapping construction objects to the profile's geometry.
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Copy the contour plate by using the Ctrl+C hotkey combination.
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Select the points adjacent to the column wall by using framing schemes
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Open the “Chamfer properties” menu (do not forget to hold
on to the “Shift” key pressed to keep the entire points selection),
and specify the type value to “Line” (hollow chamfer), X
and Y values of 25mm.
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Tekla Structures v2021
It is one of the examples of using chamfers for modeling the reinforcing
plates during structural engineering and design. All the similar structural
parts are designed exactly by configuring chamfers.