2.2.5 Uploading the saved grids configurations into other Tekla Structures models
It is possible to upload saved grids into other TS projects. Saving a
grid makes the TS build-up textual files, describing the current configurations,
and store them in the model folder.
To open the model folder, please proceed as shown in the below picture:
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Go to the “File” tab and click on the "Open Model Folder"
option. The respective folder opens in a new window. The number of
the folder files and the contents depend on the localization package in
use and other numerous settings.
All the user settings and saved configuration are stored in the files
in the “Attributes”
folder . Open it .
In the list of the files find the ones titled accordingly: “My grid
The file “My grid 1.grd” contains all the grid settings, except
The file “My grid 1.grd.more” contains user attributes
All the files are stored in the plain text format which is readable in
any text editor.
It is sufficient to copy-paste the files into the new model’s "Attributes"
folder. After executing the pasting of the files, the respective data (configurations)
get available in the new model. Toggle to the required grid (or any other
object) option in the boot menu.