2.3.10 Simultaneously setting up particular attributes in Tekla Structures
Sometimes, it is of no relevance to simultaneously reflect all the parameters
in the "Properties" menu. Usually, there is a need to define
only some particular parameters, without paying attention to the others.
Let’s get back for a while to the “Modify” button functioning,
which is to apply changes to the selected objects of the model, according
to the values of the parameters specified in the respective fields. Each
field of the "Properties" menu is accompanied by a check-box,
which enables or disables the parameter effect in the model.
Tekla Structures v21.1
In the old Tekla Structures versions, all the "Properties" fields
are constantly displayed regardless of the fact if the parameter value
is modified. If the check box next to the properties field is active, then
the “Modify” button considers the current value of the parameter
when running its function; if the checkbox is not active, then the value
of the parameter is not taken into consideration.
Tekla Structures v2021
Unless the value of a parameter is changed, the check-box next to it is
not active. As soon as an attribute's value gets modified, its
check-box gets activated. Thereafter, pressing the “Modify”
button executes changing the object, considering the updated values of
the parameters with active check-boxes.
Switching off a check-box referent to a parameter field results
in neglecting the parameter value when pressing the “Modify”
Tekla Structures v21.1
Note that at the "Properties" menu bottom side there is a generalized
check-box. It disables all the field check-boxes when pressing on
it 1 or 2 times, respectively.
Tekla Structures v2021
Activating/deactivating all the checkboxes is possible only upon changing
any of the values of parameters or by clicking at the “Brush”
icon located at the "Properties" menu bottom part.
Simultaneously properties modification for several objects .
Tekla Structures v21.1
Simultaneous properties modification of an objects’ group starts
with selecting the respective objects in the model. However, a bulk selection
of any other unsolicited object’s type may accidentally occur. Then
the “Modify” button proceeds on the properties modifications
only for the type of objects, whose "Properties" menu is active.
Thus other selected object types are ignored.
Tekla Structures v2021
It is possible to select a group of objects by framing them. If
a bulk selection of the objects grips unsolicited objects types, it is
necessary to indicate the required object type in the “Properties”
menu as shown below:
Let’s exercise the above by first of all creating various strings
String by axis 1
String by axis 2
String by axis 3
String by axis 4
String by axis 5
Top position
Bottom position
To ease the process of selecting the required objects, rotate the view
in the convenient way, displaying the column string you are working at.
Use the specifications mentioned in the above Table when creating the column
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Proceed in the same way for the other strings of columns.
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Select all the columns and modify the "Bottom Level" value
to -6000. Setting up the bottom level value automatically modified the
values of the restant parameters as well, this being a logical consequence.
Tekla Structures v21.1
In the older Tekla Structures versions, the simultaneous properties modification
of the group of objects is done by default, and requires selecting the
objects and pressing the “Modify” button.
Tekla Structures v2021
The algorithm for simultaneous properties modification of a group of objects
in the new TS versions is as follows: select an object, execute a double-click
on it, go to the "Object Properties" menu, press on the "Brush"
button, and frame the required-to-change objects. If other object types
are accidentally gripped, then indicate the required type of objects in
the "Properties" menu by activating the respective checkboxes
and press the “Modify” button. If there are active parameters
fields with missing values, the TS will highlight them by a red frame,
thus facilitating finding them out of the list.
Restore the model configurations by pressing the CTRL+Z hotkey combination.
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Let’s proceed with setting up and applying values of particular
parameters, namely editing only the “Column level”/ “Bottom”
Tekla Structures v21.1
In the older TS versions, to modify an object by setting up values to
some particular parameters, it is necessary to deactivate all the check-boxes
of the "Properties" menu and mark up only the ones required.
Filling in a value into an inactive property field, automatically enables
the referent check-box.
Tekla Structures v2021
In the new TS versions, to modify an object by setting up values to some
particular parameters, it is necessary to select the object, to disable
all the checkboxes by addressing the "Brush" button, to specify
the updated value in the respective field (in the current case study: the
bottom level) and to press the “Modify” button.
Exercise the above and modify the “Material” field values
Upon completion, delete all the columns from the model.