A non-uniform beam is a beam created of plate materials, which welded
together into a profile of a constant or a variable cross-section. Thus
profiles of such beams may fluctuate not only by length as well as by thickness.
One of the typical examples of using non-uniform beams is presented below:
One of the basic ways for creating a non-uniform beam is to create a standard
beam and respectively configure its profile. The non-uniform beams created
by this method can be used for transmitting to the calculating software.
Also, this method can be used if there is no need to separately take
account of the materials used.
Create a simple beam of 1000 mm in length.
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In the “Beam Properties” menu, go to the "Profile Catalogue"
and write into the search box: “*PHI”.
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This profile type is defined by I-beam height variance at its starting
and endpoints. It allows setting out the I-beam's height at its starting
point and the I-beam's height at its endpoint. In the below picture
you can see the table with editable profile parameters.
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Set the beam's profile at “PHI300-400-15-20*300”.
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The profile title reflects all the parameters which shape the beam and
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Go to the view plane by enabling the Ctrl+P hotkey combination.
Create a view by using two points at the side part of the beam.
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In the newly created view, go to the view plane by activating the Ctrl+P
hotkey combination.
Select the beam, and in the right-click menu, select the “Fit work
area to selected parts/ In selected views” tab.
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Depending on the beam's "Rotation" default settings, the
real segment which we indicate, when creating a beam, can be above or below
the beam's body.
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Go to the 'Beam properties" menu and configure the "Rotation"
parameter to the “Below”, to ensure coinciding of the building
up segment with the I-beams profile straight line. Thus changing
the beam’s profile will keep its top part unmoved.
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Select the beam and copy it horizontally by using the Ctrl+C hotkey combination.
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Select the new beam and adjust its profile in the way its cross-section
height at the juncture point to be equal with the respective of the initial
beam. Thus write in the profile type as “PHI250-300-15-20*300”,
and change its class to 9, to assure better visibility between the beams.
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Note that the beam's cross-section values are fixed at its starting
and endpoints, thus changing the beam’s length value does not affect
cross sections at all.
Click on the initial beam, select its right point, and by using the Ctrl+M
hotkey combination, move it to the left at 500mm.
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The beam has shortened, but the profile’s cross-section values remain
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Copy/Paste the initial beam to the left, and configure its profile to
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There is no need of fitting the parts ends
Easily data transmission to the calculation software
In practice, a beam is being created of the rolled materials, but creating
a beam by this method will not automatically get considered in the material
statements. It will be reflected in specifications as a simple profile
In practice, the beam's juncture is not exactly vertical, thus upper
and bottom flange welds are being offset with reference to the beam wall.
Modeling a non-uniform beam by using this method does not allow distribution
of the upper and the bottom flange cutting bits with reference to the beam
The consecutive method is a more intense one though the most correct
for building up welded uniform cross section beams. It is important to
consider that in practice real profiles are created of rolled metals, provisionally
cutted and welded on to get the I-beam shape.
Thus it is of a high importance to consider the rolled metal in the statements
as well as execute modelling the I-beams of the rolled metal sheets. It
is possible to create rolled metal drawn up by a polygon, but in this case
we will have to manipulate many points, which is not a convenient situation.
Thus during modelling non uniform cross section beams it is more
convenient to use the beam tool configured at a specific profile type,
which is considered in the material statements as rolled metal.
Let’s firstly create an uniform cross-section beam, which geometrically
is similar to a standard beam, but is composed of 3 distinct rolled metal
sheets welded on togher into an assembly.
Go to the view plane and create a simple beam of 1000 mm length.
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At the "Profile catalog", select the parametric plate profile.
Depending on the localization package of the Tekla Structures, there might
be various titles set out for these profile types. These profiles
are necessary for substituting the wide profile range. Thus for modeling
a rolled metal list, is it sufficient to indicate only the length and width
parameters for the initial sheet part.
Except for executing modeling rolled metal sheets, it is not recommended
to use parametric profiles, as they do not contain any ISO information
and other service system information.
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Let’s apply the selected profile to our model. Pay attention to
the fact that the first digit stands for the thickness parameter of the
part, not its width. In the below picture you can see the very error committed.
Thus in the rolled metal specification, a sheet of 200 mm thickness is
indicated. Write into the profile field the thickness value first,
but the width value right after the symbol “*”.
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Make sure that the first digit is of the smallest value.
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Subsequent to pressing the “Modify” button, you can see no
visual changes in the model, but it is of a high essence for creating the
material reports and statements: we use the material of 20 mm thickness,
but not of 200mm: “—20*200”.
Rotate the part created in the way to see it into the I-beam flange position.
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The scheme for substituting the rolled metal profile at a welded uniform
cross-section beam. Redpoint stands for indicating the building up line
of each profile with account for the offset.
Select the object and draw up a new beam by taking the account of the
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Change the beam's profile to “—16*300” and its class
to 6 (yellow). Set out by your own the position parameter values
concerning the profile reference line.
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Configure the “At depth” value as it is shown below:
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Select the upper flange part. Create one more beam taking into account
the reference line of the initial object and its starting and endpoint
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Configure the new beam’s profile similar to the upper flange, indicating
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Let’s weld up parts into an assembly, where the beam's wall
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Thus we have created a beam made of rolled metal sheets. In the specification,
this beam is reflected as the rolled metal, not as an I-beam. Such beams
are commonly used upon a tailored object request.
Here it is essential to clarify, why during creating such a beam we were
taking account of the initial beam reference line, as it should seem easier
to create profiles at an arbitrary position and move them into a required
position by using the Ctrl+M hotkey combination, and the latter would not
be a mistake.
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Go to the view plane by pressing the Ctrl+P hotkey combination and create
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Thus we can see the "Side view" of the beam. Select all 3 components
of the assembly, and by holding on the "Alt" key pressed, select
three right points by framing them.
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Move the points at 300 mm upwards to get a sloped beam.
Thus building up parts with the account to the reference line comes in
handy, and creating a sloped beam does not require using the “Rotate”
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If we would not take account of the reference line of the initial part
when creating the other assembly components, we would be supposed to adjust
each part separately or to use the “Rotate“ tool.
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During modeling a project, there can be used various beams, composed of
the rolled metal sheets. It is of no use creating a new profile, as it
is enough to copy the one already created and configure its profile values
as required. Copy the sloped beam to the right at 1300 mm.
Note that welds are copied automatically along with the beam.
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Set out different thickness and plate width values, by configuring the
plate profile to “—25*300”. Change its class to
9 for a better visual representation.
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Modify the profile of the beam's wall to “—20*350”
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Let’s set up the offset values of the plate taking into account
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Proceed to configure the bottom flange plate according to the respective
characteristics of the upper flange, and indicate the offset value equal
to the beam's wall height+ the upper flange thickness sum of values:
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Thus during modeling, it is possible to create various welded uniform
cross-section beams, multiply them by copying and configure them as required.
The algorithm for modeling a welded non-uniform cross-section beam in
TS differs from the respective for welded uniform cross-section beam by
not taking into account the reference line of the profile.
The reason is that non-uniform beams are of seldom use and their slope
angle in the majority of cases coincides with the respective angle of the
roofing and walls. That is why there is no need to rotate (slope)
them, but it will be more convenient to modify them with the above reference
line position.
Copy the beam from the previous exercise downwards at 1300 mm.
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Select the beam wall and set out its “At depth” value according
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Move the beam's wall downwards in the way its flange gets laid at
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Proceed to set to null the bottom beam's flange offset value. Thus
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Move the bottom flange to the required position without recurring to setting
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Thus we have created a uniform cross-section beam with different reference
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Maximize the height value of the beam's wall at 200 mm by changing
its profile to “—20*500”. Modify the beam's
wall class value to 13 for a better visual distinction.
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Click on the bottom flange and select its left point. Move the point as
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Execute the polygon cut. Prior to this, make sure that the Z-axis is perpendicular
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Execute the “Polygon cut” in the way the resulting added material
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Copy/Paste the beam to the left by using the Ctrl+C hotkey combination.
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Modify the profile of the copied beam's wall to “—30*900”.
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Move the bottom flange points as it is shown below:
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Note that the added material object does not work anymore, as its initial
Go to the added material properties window and configure its thickness
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Delete the added material plate and create a new one.
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To avoid allocating in a line the welded seams of the beam flanges and
Select the beam wall.
Select its right point.
Move the point along the beam wall at 200 mm to the right.
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Modify the width parameter of the right beam flange at “—20*250”,
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Create a polygon cut, where 3 points are located at the outer face bottom
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Thus we have created a non uniform cross section beam, defined by various
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Weld on the parts by yourself by using an arbitrary welding chord size.
These are special beam-type frequently used in construction.
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Create such a beam type using the Tekla Structures software.
Go to the "Top view". By using the construction geometry tools,
Press the Esc key to disable the “Create point” tool.
Select the point.
Go to the right-click menu.
Select the “Copy Special- Linear” tab and execute copying
the point 30 times with a step of 200 mm.
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Select the group of points.
By using the tool “ Copy Special- Linear”, copy the group
of points vertically at 200/2=100 mm with a horizontal offset of 100mm.
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Switch off the “Snap to any position” tool to avoid missing
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By means of the “Polybeam” tool, let’s trace a beam,
passing through all the 62 points. Upon completion, do not forget to press
the mouse wheel button or the “Space” key to finalize the operation.
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It is important to mention that such a type of beam has several limitations:
its width shall not exceed its length value. Let’s check out the
situation when the width profile value is admittedly large enough.
Switch the profile value of polybeam to the rolled metal with dimensions
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As you can see from the above, it is not possible to create a polybeam
of such a geometry. The software renders the polybeam as a thin line, denoting
there is a must to change the profile settings.
Set out the profile type to a reasonable value as “—20*300”.
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If still the profile geometry is shown as erroneous one, then there is
a need to set out the “Rotation” parameter value by turning
it at 90 degrees, as now the profile is of 300 mm thickness.
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Toggle between the values of the“Rotation” field to get a
clear understanding of the typical geometry error and the factors causing
it. Depending on the current view settings, the “Rotation”
field values might work in different ways.
Execute the configuring by yourself.
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Compare your results to the below:
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Select the object.
By holding the "Alt" key pressed, select all 62 points.
By holding the "Shift" key pressed, double-click at any point
and go to the "Chamfer properties" window.
Configure the chamfer type as “Rounding”.
Indicate the rounding value equal to one-half of the offset value 100/2=50
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Go to the view plane by enabling the Ctrl+P hotkey combination.
Create one more beam defined by the extreme points of the polybeam.
Configure the new beam properties as follows: profile value as ”—12*200”,
and class value of 6.
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Shift the I-beam at 50 mm in the upwards direction by using the Ctrl+M
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Now, the polybeam flange is located right at the profile center.
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Rotate the view in the way to see the beam's wall and flange in 3D.
It comes evident that the profile of the beam wall has no vertical offset.
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Go to the "Polybeam properties" menu and indicate the offset
value equal to the profile thickness according to the scheme of a straight
line beam with a common reference line. See below:
Set the offset value equal to 12 mm.
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Copy the top plate over the initial plate position and configure its offset
Select the top plate.
Go to the right-click menu.
Enable the “Copy Special -To another object” tab.
Indicate the beam wall as the initial object.
Indicate the beam wall as the destination object. Thus the beam plate
will get copied to the same place.
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Upon executing the above, the TS will pop up an alert message about the
duplicates created, as the duplicates are causing doubling the weight of
the model and drawings overlapping.
Confirm creating duplicates by pressing the “Keep duplicates”
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Press the "Esc" key to disable the “Copy” tool.
Select a flange and set out its vertical offset at 300+12=312 mm.
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The only step left to be done is welding on the parts. Indicate the I-beam
Note that in the current case, only the “Around” type
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Thus we have created a SIN beam. Other such beams when running a project