2.5.6 The “Construction plane” tool in Tekla Structures
The “Construction plane” tool is a special instrumentation
type aimed to be used not individually but jointly. A construction plane
can be configured to be magnetic thus all the points allocated at the plane
surface will be moving at the plane’s move in the model. At any free
space of the view create a construction plane with dimensions 1000 x 1000
The algorithm for using the “Construction plane” tool:
Make sure all operations are canceled or press the “ESC” key.
Select the “Add construction plane” tool from the main menu
Indicate the first point of the plane.
Subsequently indicate the other points defining the plane.
Pressing the “Space” key or the mouse wheel button finalizes
creating the construction plane.
To disable the "Add construction line" tool, press the Esc key.
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Further, create several construction lines in the way, some of them to
be entirely allocated at the plane’s surface, and some of the construction
lines only intersecting with the plane.
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Go to the “Construction plane Properties” nenu. Enable the
"Magnetic plane" checkbox and confirm the operation by pressing
the “Modify” button. Now the construction plate became magnetic
and all the construction geometry points got anchored to its surface. Now
on moving the construction plane conditions moving the construction geometry
objects which are laying on the surface, enclosed into the construction
plane polygon shape.
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Rotate the view as it is shown below. Select the construction plane, go
to the right-click menu and select the “Move Special-Linear”
In the dialog window opened indicate the distance at which the object
Confirm moving the construction plane by pressing the “Move”
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
Compare your results to those presented below:
Tekla Structures v21.1
Tekla Structures v2021
All the points enclosed into the construction plane polygon have automatically